Happy 2021 - “May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour!”

VPCC Blog #onagoodnote.png

There. It’s done. I officially proclaim 2020 over and finished. Not because I’ve turned a page on a calendar, but because I’ve taken down my Christmas tree, disposed of the clutter and everything is back in place. I’m ready to begin again.

I, like most of you, am ready for something new: for a change, for a clean slate and fresh beginning.

In past years, most of us start off the new year with excitement for goals we’ve set, and hope for opportunities before us. This year though, many are feeling defeated before the year even gets started. With a new lockdown and rampant numbers of COVID hitting most of our communities, it may feel hard to look forward with optimism.

2020 was filled with challenges, change, suffering and loss. There are very few, whose lives have not been impacted by the global pandemic. After enduring 366 days (yes, there was an extra because it was a leap year), we are all looking forward with hopes for a better year.

January, the first month of our calendar year, was actually named after Janus, a Roman god of doors and beginnings. Janus had an interesting characteristic: he had two faces. With one face, he looked back over the past year to review his mistakes and his successes. With the other face, he looked into the future to make plans for the new year, and to consider what he needed to do to experience success.

It’s interesting to think how similar we are to Janus…except, that most of us don’t have two faces. We can look back to review our past, and we can look ahead to determine what our future will be like.

January can be a time for envisioning the future we’d like to have, plan for possibilities, and taking action to create the success we desire. Or we can get stuck in the past; holding onto the losses, the frustrations, the suffering, the disappointments.

Our challenges and difficulties will not all disappear with the turning of the calendar page, but we can choose to do something everyday - even if it’s only one thing - to make life good - better, for ourselves and for others.

I loved the Canva.com campaign initiated for this past New Year’s Eve.

#OnaGoodNote was created to share messages of inspiration worldwide, on New Year’s Eve 2020.

I think #OnaGoodNote is worth continuing, to share inspiring thoughts, ideas, successes and experiences.

So that’s my challenge to you throughout 2021. Using your social media platforms, take a moment to share your past successes and the things you look forward to in 2021. Share #OnaGoodNote with followers, family and friends giving them ideas and thoughts that will inspire, motivate and create enthusiasm for this new year, in spite of all the yuck that surrounds us.

This year will likely be another rollercoaster ride, where we can’t always see the drop on the other side. But #onagoodnote remember the rush you get when you meet the descent with your hands in the air and courage enough to meet whatever comes next.

Happy 2021. - May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favour!!

#onagoodnote #oddsareinourfavour #excitementforthefuture #takecharge #loveshouldnthurt